Orange Audubon Society’s (OAS) first free monthly field trip of 2025 will be to PEAR Park in Leesburg. This Lake County park on the Palatlakaha River is encompasses 318 acres with 8 distinctive ecosystems. In this park of active restoration we should be able to observe many species of wintering songbirds and raptors including possible sightings of Vesper Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, Orange -crowned Warbler, Black and White Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Blue-headed Vireo, American Goldfinch, Eastern Towhee, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Northern Harrier, Merlin, American Kestrel and Bald Eagles.
The trip leaders are Max Weakley of Marion Audubon assisted by Susan Thome-Barrett, Alan Shapiro and Glen Blaser of Orange Audubon.
This trip is limited to 20 participants.
This field trip is free but spots are limited.
To reserve a spot visit our website:
For questions contact Kathy at