What we’re about
This is a group for people, from all walks of life, to get together for any and all fun activities. The purpose of this group is to make opportunities to meet and make friends and grow that friendship by sharing interesting experiences.
Before requesting to join, you must have read the Group Policy below. Your request may be denied if you do not have the correct answers.
If you have an idea for a meetup or would like to help organize one, please let the organizers know and we'll set you up!
Any donations/pledges will be used exclusively for group events.
It is important that we all show respect for each other and be accepting of who we are, as we are. Many of the events will involve meeting new people. And we want to encourage people trying to make connections. However, it is really important that we do not project ourselves in manners such that we make others feel uncomfortable and/or threatened. Also, keep in mind that not all of the members are single or looking to find relationships. We come from different backgrounds with differing world views and experiences. Please respect their wishes and embrace the differences.
Our "no a--hole" policy will be strictly enforced and violators will promptly get THE BOOT.
If you are ever in an uncomfortable situation at one of the events, or from any member of this group, please let the organizers or the event host know.
- You must have your profile photo that clearly shows your face.
- You must have your profile name set to a real name.
- The name doesn't have to be full name, but it must be a real name that your friends/kids/family call you.
- The answer is "bananas".
Please keep your RSVPs current. We all understand life happens and things get chaotic but the organizers reserve the right to remove you from event/group for abusing RSVPs.
- RSVPs cancelled within 24 hours of the event will be considered a "no-show".
- It is unfair for those in waitlist to be suddenly put into Going list with less than 24 hour notice, especially for ticketed events.
- It is up to the event organizer to flag no-shows, so please contact the organizer for last minute changes.
- Last minute addition from Waitlist will still be considered a "no-show". Keep your RSVPs current, even for waitlisted events!!!! Remove yourself from the waitlist if you are not able to honor the last minute addition to the event.
- Please only RSVP to events that you fully intend to attend. You can use Meetup's saved events feature to bookmark the event without signing up. Abusing the RSVPs is grounds for removal from event/group without notice .
- Organizers will actively track "no-shows" and last minute cancellations and you are not guaranteed a spot for future events.
- Do not RSVP to ticketed events until you have secured a ticket. Remove yourself from waitlist to sold out events.
- The answer is "pineapple"