What we’re about
This Meetup is the riding and social component of the Albuquerque Mountain Bike Association (AMBA), www.ambanm.org. We are a local International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA), www.imba.com, chapter involved in mountain biking advocacy, trail building and community endeavors. This meetup is designed to link mountain bikers in the Albuquerque area together. It will also serve as a meetup for AMBA's scheduled group rides and social events. Please visit our website www.ambanm.org and www.facebook.com/AMBANM/ for more information about us including how to join our organization! <br>
A waiver is required to participate, if you have not signed a waiver with us yet, please do so here: SmartWaiver
When requesting to join please provide your first and last name.
AMBA Ride Levels/Ratings
Join the ride that's best suited for you. If you're unsure, it's always best to start conservative. The Group Ride Leader has the right to not allow you on a ride above your skill level and has the right to turn you around to go back to the trailhead for your safety and the good of the group. Please assess your skill level by joining a lower level group first.
A - Easy/Beginner - Low technical features, frequent breaks, generally less than 1 hour duration. <br>B - Moderate/Intermediate - Moderate fitness, intermittent technical features, anything advanced can be walked. <br>C - Skilled/Advanced - Advanced technical and/or high pace. High fitness level required. <br>D - Expert - You know if you're an expert!
AMBA Rider Guidelines
All riders MUST wear a helmet. <br>Bring water and a trail-ready bike. <br>Riders should also carry basic tools: <br>• Spare tube in the correct size <br>• Pump or CO2 <br>• Tire levers <br>• A chain tool and basic Allen wrenches <br>• Snacks are recommended.
All riders ride at their own risk. Ride guides take no responsibility for rider safety/injury.