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What we’re about

We are a group of spiritually-minded people worldwide who believe in spiritual action rather than theory. We believe these are important days in our history on our planet. These are days of change and we have, individually and collectively, the power to help bring this change about in a positive way.

The Aetherius Society is a spiritual order founded in England in 1955 by Yoga Medium and Spiritual Master George King who was an enlightened Master for this Aquarian Age. He invented global healing missions and taught us how to participate in these. He brought together science and spirituality in brilliant ways. He taught that Love is an energy that can heal, help and transform, just as real - and more important than electricity.

The teachings of The Aetheriius Society are not new - these are ageless, timeless teachings from the ancient mystery schools but now delivered in a way that is aligned with this New Age of science. Also, the major Teachings, The Twelve Blessings and The Nine Freedoms, include a Cosmic Concept in keeping with this Age. They were delivered through the Mediumship of Dr. King by Cosmic Masters from beyond this Earth.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We've been in the Metro Detroit area for over fifty years.

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