What we’re about
Alexandria Code and Coffee is a free, informal co-working session. People of all skill levels bring their personal projects--building an app, writing a blog, going through programming exercises--and we use the time to socialize, work, and network.
There is an introduction period where we all say our names and what we're working on. And that's about where the structure ends, everything after that is self-organized. People who are working in the same areas tend to hook up together and chat or even work together. Whatever your skill level, you're very likely to find other people in your position.
Bring a laptop computer, a notebook and pens, or just yourself.
Also, join the DC Tech Slack group and get into the #alexandria channel for more C&C fun during the week: http://www.dctechslack.com/
NOTE: In the interest of maintaining a safe and respectful space, we ask that people try to keep the conversation on technology and off of political issues. While we recognize the importance of discussion of current events, we have seen that particular issues fire passions (which is great!) and hope to avoid any misunderstandings due to lack of experience in those issues.