What we’re about
This group is for fun loving people in Atlanta to get together & have a good time. We'll do happy hours, party together, go to Atlanta many great restaurants, museums, galleries & performances. How about a day sailing, scuba diving in Tybee Island or Jet Skiing? Beach bonfire, BBQs, a pool tournament, Salsa Night, or a Falcons tailgate & Football Game or Hawks Basketball Game? I'd love to get a group together to do some volunteering, or take a group cooking class, or go to Disney world for the weekend.
Members are encouraged to be active in suggesting ideas & to help make Meetups happen. It can be as elaborate as a weekend getaway or a trip to a new country or as simple as a movie night or coffee outing. Anything you enjoy doing, have always wanted to do, or just looking to meet some new college friends, or you just want to meet some cool people and do cool stuff. This group will be as active, engaging & diverse as we are.