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What we’re about

This group was created with the idea in mind of expanding social circles among those that are between the ages 25-55 who enjoy recreational activities with like-minded individuals. Being active (both physically and emotionally) are an important part of a healthy lifestyle and we want to enable others to partake in fun social activities as a larger group, in order to expand their circle of friends.  We do have guidelines that we ask you be aware of.  Please stay active by visiting our meetup page ( at least once every year.  If you RSVP to an event with a waitlist and you do not plan to attend, we ask that you cancel your RSVP at least 24 hours in advance or notify the organizer in an emergency or unplanned incident the day of.  If you fail to attend and do not notify the organizer, you will be considered a "No Show" and may be removed from the group.  If you are on the waitlist and meetup automatically moves you to attending on the same day and you do not attend, you will not receive a "No Show". We have a Zero Tolerance policy for undesirable behavior and we ask that everyone act with maturity and respect toward each other.