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What we’re about

Please learn more about our group by visiting our website and connect with us by emailing For safety reasons including the nature and locations of our events, one of our Board members must meet any prospective member prior to accepting them into the group which we will coordinate upon hearing from you via email.

Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent to attend any events. The purpose of this local group is to provide a community of support for all mothers, whether they stay home full time with their children, work full time outside the home, or serve part-time roles in or outside the home. The group will provide support and opportunities for connection to mothers of children of all ages; there is no “aging out” or “outgrowing” the group because the mother is the member rather than the children. While children in attendance at events benefit in a variety of ways, the primary goal and focus is support of the mom in her motherhood journey, whereby the children and entire family unit benefit. The group will provide a forum for discussion of a variety of topics pertinent to motherhood, family life, and other enrichment. Members have the opportunity to engage in activities, outlets, and outreach that benefit the member mom as well as her children and family, along with other moms, children, and families in the community. 

The group will officially undertake and complete at least one humanitarian, charitable or other service project per year related to and enriching children, moms, and/or family units and will have the ongoing mindset of reaching and welcoming all mothers in the community regardless of, but not limited to race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. The group will not be used to influence other mothers to parent a specific way but shall embrace parenting styles in which the safety of the children and good of the community are possible.