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What we’re about

We are a community of entrepreneurs and business owners who are dedicated to learning how to build and improve our businesses. We are aiming to grow this group to the hundreds so we can get lots of support.

We will be having the following kinds of events (during the pandemic, they are all online!):
1. Networking events 
2. Training and educational events. 
3. Social and other kinds of events.

We invite you to join our group by clicking the JOIN button.

We look forward to getting to know you!

Jory Fisher and Sunil Bhaskaran, Organizers
Dr. Vijaya Nair, MD, FAMS, MS, Co-Organizer

Serving Baltimore, Harford County, and Surrounding Communities
All Are Welcome

P.S. We invite you to join 3 more Meetups that Jory hosts:

Jory H. Fisher specializes in helping small business owners be successful so they can make a bigger, more meaningful difference in the world. She's a Certified B.A.N.K.® Coach & Trainer with Codebreaker Technologies and a Certified Business Startup Coach. You can learn more at and LinkedIn.

Sunil Bhaskaran is the founder of the Global Business Mastermind - a membership of generous and ambitious visionaries in business who collaborate to build huge audiences, not just locally but globally as well. He is the owner of the largest small business non-tech Meetup community, with over 120,000+ business owners and professionals spread out over major cities in the US and in the UK. He has been a business, marketing & leadership adviser and mentor since 1991 and has published two books on Amazon whilst giving and receiving support from his beautiful wife, Glenda Benevides - a musical producer/singer/songwriter.

Dr. Vijaya Nair, MD, FAMS, MS, CO-Organizer, has over 25 years experience as an Ivy league trained intergrative Physician and Transformational Health and Business Coach for corporations and for Business owners/entrepreneurs to experience breakthroughs in mental, physical, emotional and spiritual stress have holistic success & wealth for their Business and Lives. She is the creator/founder of Soul Wellness Programs at and and CEO of and Author of Prevent Cancer, Strokes, Heart Attacks and other Deadly Killer.

Upcoming events (2)

See all
  • 7 Keys to Save Time & Increase Sales with Virtual Assistants & AI
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Sunil Bhaskaran Speaker, Mentor
    • Photo of Jamshid
    • Photo of Marcus Curry
  • Resolutions Reimagined: Turn New Year’s Resolutions Into Reality
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Sunil Bhaskaran Speaker, Mentor