What we’re about
Applying ancient wisdom in today's busy and hectic world, we can regenerate ourselves - our health, our minds, all aspects of well-being.
What we do:
• Learn and transform ourselves with inner peace and inner joy.
• Connect and with like-minded others who are also on a spiritual path of self-improvement and self-development.
• Creative opportunities to advance your personal journey.
What we work on:
• Gaining freedom and wellness with practical and mindful techniques.
• Allowing the messages of stress,pain and fatigue to become less important, to fade into the background.
Exercising Choice and Freedom, transforming Stress and Suffering to a better Quality of Life.
All are welcome to join, sharing the desires and dedication of learning and using deep spiritual practices. Join in. Open, acknowledge and share your possibilities. Build a supportive community.
Rena Ayeras, Organizer
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
~~ Albert Einstein