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What we’re about


We organize regular photo shoots around Birmingham and surrounding areas through the Online Meetup network. We aim mainly for Sundays and the occasional Saturday; providing a weekend activity for those that like to get out and about. You will find us in varied and diverse locations such as parks, nature reserves; street photography around Birmingham centre and markets, regularly in Digbeth; museums local and within 20 miles radius, many of Birmingham yearly festivals and in all weather conditions. Freezing snow has not deterred us in the past; we have never cancelled a Meetup due to weather conditions.

At venues, the chatter, interaction and socializing is part of the experience, cafes are always on the agenda. Armed with cameras from mobile phones, compacts, bridge cameras and high-end DSLRs; eager amateur photographers snap away using a surprisingly high level of varied techniques. Displaying a wealth of imagination, creativity and style, our members record the surrounding environments in a most remarkable way; nothing escapes the eye behind the lens. 

Add to the mix further digital editing with computer software; the title of artist is well deserved. We encourage members to think in terms of being digital artists, more than just a photographer. The day is not over, the creative nature is to extend through the week as members develop their work in each own individual style. Members can choose to upload their work onto the Meetup site for other members to view, learn and make comments.

The Organizing team, Paul, Gerard, Michael, Darren, Karen and Warren.

For those who are new and just starting out into the world of Photography and need to know a little bit more and come to understand the basics of Digital Photography!

Then click on this Link:

Here is a FREE online Digital Photography School... Where one can get off to a great start in what you need to take your photography to the next levels. In which they offer daily tips, resources and free tutorials that will help you get the most out your camera and create stunning photos and also, explain and show you all about Cameras & Equipment.