What we’re about
Welcome Gamers!
This group has been meeting for several years now. Our goal is to provide a safe and fun place for people who like to get together and play board and card games. We have a collection of beginner and experienced gamers who bring a large collection of games. We have a pile of at least 100 a week to chose from. Our present location is the Tavern at Medlock. They have given us our own back room so we get to play in peace and the food is not bad either. There are a few TVs if anyone wants to watch a game. We also get our own soda machine so if you cannot find the waitress we still have unlimited refills.
Currently we get about 25 gamers to each meeting which is every Saturday in the Galla's Pizza Room . Our start time is 2pm with many people coming at 5pm to grab dinner and a game. Enough people come that just about every type of game is played. If you can name it then we have played it over the last several years. With such a large group we usually have about 100 games to chose from each week. Usually the games last an hour or two. Right now the popular games seem to be Ticket to Ride, Dominion, Tichu, Waterdeep, Splendor. Dixit, Red dragon Inn, Root, Race for the Galaxy, Terraforming Mars, Castles, Res Arcana, Catan and Code Names.
LOCATION: Tavern At Medlock: 3230 Medlock Bridge Road