What we’re about
If you’re fed up going to the same old places and seeing the same old faces or simply have friends/family that are not really up for going out and enjoying themselves or you would like to try different activities and events but haven’t yet found people to go with who are likeminded… this group is for you! Its not just for single people its open to anyone (married, single, mums, dads, nans, granddads) who would simply like to go out and make new friends.
There will be a yearly subscription membership fee of £10 required (which is less than 85p per month), which should be made payable by paypal to bbmeetup@hotmail.com (friends & family) please enter your full name in the reference section in order for me to mark you down as paid. If you would prefer to pay by bank transfer, please private message me and I will send you my bank details. This covers the cost of my yearly meetup fee along with time and effort in organizing events.
Watch out for the special fund raising / local charity events which are due to be posted on the events page. I am open to charity choices (not International), just close to home.
If any members have ideas of something they would love to do but just haven’t got likeminded people with the same enthusiasm, please feel free to let me know your ideas. Please don’t feel embarrassed or scared about coming to any events as I’m sure everyone who joins will be in the same boat, we all newbies together but will be very friendly and are all looking for the same thing… to meet new people and make new friends.
Always check out details i.e. meeting up at various events - myself and event hosts will always try to meet up with people at the front entrance of clubs, pubs and restaurants so that you don’t feel uneasy about walking in alone.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Sue & The Team x