What we’re about
This is a small group of intermediate hikers who enjoy hiking, snowshoeing, backpacking, camping, and scrambling. Beginners are welcome as you can learn from the more experienced members. I started this group as I like to venture into the outdoors with a small group of regulars who are at similar levels of outdoor experience. (maximum members count for the club is 50)
Criteria to join
Must have a recent profile of your photo showing your face by yourself only (update if needed)
User name in profile should be your first name (only)
Must commit to join the group’s outings at a minimum of 2 per season of the year (that is 2 outings every 3 months)
Q & A to help you decide if this group is suitable for you:
• Are you interested to meet other hikers?
• Do you work well in a team environment?
• Do you agree to stay close with the team while on an outing?
• Do you have basic outdoor clothing and basic hiking gear?
• Are you willing to learn something new?
• Are you willing to share some of your transferable skills?
• Are you willing to carry some team gear on a trip?
• Are you prepared to participate in regular drills in outdoor safety training?
• Are you prepared to assist other hikers in an emergency situation?
• Do you stay calm in an undesirable situation?
• Do you agree to stay within your skill limits?
• Would you consider to take up training if needed (first aid, avalanche safety, etc.)
If your answer is yes to most of the above questions, you are in a good place with this group.