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What we’re about

Welcome to CAFE! The Coast and Forest Events group(C.A.F.E.)

This Meetup group is aimed at people who live in or around the southern, coastal part of the New Forest – hence the name. We aim to help each other perk up our social lives, by making the most of the excellent leisure facilities and venues we have here locally, right on our doorsteps! If you are “Mid-Life" (!), and maybe find yourself unexpectedly single, there are times when you probably feel like going out to see a film or play or to a comedy night, for a meal, for a walk, for a drink, or even just for a coffee. There's lots to do, but it's not so much fun on your own! This could be the group for you.

Post up here an event or activity you'd really like to go to, and find out if anyone else would like to go along too! We offer friendship and, mostly-inexpensive, local social activities (pub quizzes, meals, walks, live music, a drink at a country pub on a Sunday evening) - while also keeping an eye out for bigger local events, as well as those in Bournemouth, Southampton and beyond for when we feel like making the extra effort!

People of any age and location are welcome, but please bear in mind that most events may take place within an area roughly Lyndhurst to Lymington, Christchurch to Calshot, or close by, and that activities will be focused on the "mid-life" age range. While most members are single, the group is open to sociable singles and non singles alike, (and especially to those who want to actively contribute events to the group!) So, if you want to meet new people, please join!   Please note of course that you are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing while participating in CAFE activities.

CAFE Meetup is exists solely to help its members have Fun! The organisers give their time voluntarily, and reserve the right to exclude from membership anyone they believe intends to use the group for purposes other than …. Fun! Group running costs (website, admin etc) have mostly been covered by occasional small profits on events in the past, but an annual fee of £5 is now payable by new and existing members.   This can be paid online by clicking on the button on the HomePage.   If you are unable to use the online payment system for any reason (and please note that you do NOT have to have a Paypal account yourself to do this) please contact the Organiser, David Hughes for alternative methods of payment.

One last point, profiles on the CAFE site are only visible to other CAFE members. The organisers have now agreed that we would like all members to identify themselves on their profiles with a first name AND a surname (or an initial of it, if you want to keep your surname private) and a clear facial photograph. This is for a variety of reasons to do with the need to be able to accurately and easily identify members booking (and sometimes paying) for public or private events organised within the group.

A first name only, is not acceptable
. Please make sure that your profile meets these minimum standards before applying to join the group.

We hope to meet you soon at a CAFE event.

David, Julie, Jill and the other CAFE organisers.

Helpful Information Points

1). How to change the name on your Meetup profile.

Click 'Account' in the upper right-hand corner of your screen to head to your Account page.

From the 'General' tab, click edit next to your current name. Enter a new name in the space provided, and click 'Submit.'

Note: Your name is a site-wide account setting, which means that you cannot select different names for each Meetup Group that you belong to.

2). Dogs on Walks

Please note, it is a policy of the group that dogs accompanying walkers must be on short leads at all times, unless express permission has been given by the walk leader that it can be let off, and there is no objection from any other walk participant.
This requirement is to ensure the comfort, convenience and safety of walk participants for whom the walk is primarily intended.