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What we’re about

"Chapel Hill and Durham Fun with Friends" (aka CHAD) was created by Julie H. & Kim M. in 2013. Our goal: Create a positive environment for social networking/building friendships with a "more the merrier" approach. Typically, our events allow last-minute YES's without fear of commitment.  No scolding emails if "life gets in the way."  We're a welcoming bunch...even if it's your first Meetup, feel free to come solo--you'll have fun!

Our leadership expanded to include Jamie (2014), Lori Z. (2015) and Michael P. (2015). Our positive culture continues to flourish. CHAD's footprint expanded beyond Chapel Hill and Durham.  We now include Meetups nearby at spots "too good to miss" in addition to our local venues.

Have a Meetup idea?  We always need group members who are willing and able to organize, post, and host events for the group.  If you'd like to be an EVENT ORGANIZER, please contact group organizer Michael P. via Meetup or at or 919-489-8700.

Question about our "typical crowd"?  We really can't answer!  Meetups tend to be random. We're a social group, no specific "Relationship Status" is a criterion to join.  Past events have included Happy Hour, Dinner, Wine-Tasting, Hiking, Biking, Coffee, Charitable Events, Dance Parties, Couples/Family Events, Kids or no-Kids, Frisbee-Golf, Kayaking, Live Concerts, and more. We simply can't predict who'll attend - makes sense, really!

With more than 1200 members from all over the Triangle there are bound to be folks sharing your interests. Join our group and you'll see!

Here are a couple things to know:

A profile photo of YOU is required to join & remain a member.  

CHAD is open to all ages of professional adults, with the majority of members being 30s - 50s.   Current active members range from late 20s to some early 60s, too. 

Bringing friends is encouraged. Each member is responsible for her/his own guests, spouse, and/or kids at kid-friendly events. 

Please read and respect posted guidelines/rules for each event.  Meetups are "pay for yourself."  Events typically start on time, but "Start" and "End" times cannot be guaranteed.  We are not responsible if a Meetup ends early.   

Occasional events with strict RSVP/late cancel policies will be clearly noted (due to venue, etc).  Please respect the policy of specific events, as a courtesy to the host/venue.

Inappropriate behavior at events (or via email) will not be tolerated and will subject the responsible party to removal from the group at discretion of the organizers.  That includes posting inappropriate events or emailing suggestive content.

We rely on member support to cover website fees, which are not insignificant.  Group organizer Michael P. personally funds/pays CHAD's fees, with member contributions helping to offset the cost.  Please help support the group by becoming a "CONTRIBUTING" member using the green "Chip In" button.  Your title will be updated, you'll receive an email of gratitude, and you'll help fund our future. CHAD organizers/hosts are not paid for their roles. Thank you to all those who've supported this group now and in the past!    

Expand your social circles, meet new friends - attend a CHAD meetup! Our venues and events are varied.   Hope you'll join!  

Every member helps our group grow and thrive.  


-Julie, Lori, Michael, Jamie, Kim, our event hosts, contributors, and leadership team

Upcoming events (4+)

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