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What we’re about

Greetings my fellow heathens!

This Meet Up group is a way to get the Coachella Valley together with other folk who share the following interests: Pagan religion, up to and including Wicca, Shamanism, Druidry, Faery, Ceremonial, Eclectic Paganism and similar religious paths. Reconstructionist Pagan Religion: Religio Romana, Hellenismos, Celtic Reconstructionism, Heathenry, Asatru and Norse Reconstructionism, Slavic, Russian and other European reconstructionist pagan paths. Traditional Pagan religion, Ceremonial Magick, Archetypes, Eclectic Magick, Kitchen Witchery, Herbal Magick, Candle Magick, Healing, Reiki Tarot and Divination .....and many other related topics not listed.

Check our calendar for our current events, happening regularly, and let us know if you want to help organize a public presentation of your path, or of a particular celebration.

Wicca; a Magickal religion with many diverse traditions around which covens and individual practitioners base their practices.

Some current Witchcraft and Wiccan traditions and brand new forms include:

Stregheria • Gardnerian • Alexandrian • Celtic • Circle • Dianic • Faery • Minoan • WCC • Georgian • Isian • NECTW • NROOGD • Reclaiming • Shamanic • 1734 • Ecclesia • Sapphire Sky • and many others ranging from oath bound to public.