What we’re about
Welcome to the Cary Photographic Artists. We are an organization dedicated to learning, teaching and sharing our passion for photography. We meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month . Social time is at 6:30pm in the lobby and meetings start promptly at 7pm. We welcome you to attend a meeting and to hear about our future programs, outings, and exhibits. If you like what we offer, we ask you to join our group. Please visit our main website http://caryphotographicartists.org for more information.
Presently, we meet at the Herbert Young Community Center (101 Wilkinson Ave) in Cary. However due to COVID-19 we also meeting via Zoom. If you are not comfortable attending in person and you are NOT a CPA club member, you will need to request a link from cpameetuprograms@gmail.com to receive a link to the zoom meeting. There are 10 lines available, it is first come first serve.
Upcoming events (2)
See all- Preparation of jpegs for digital exhibition by Kenny McKeithanLink visible for attendees
The purpose of this activity is to provide CPA members with preview critiques of the images they intend to submit for the Juried Digital Photographic Exhibit (see details in the exhibit section of this newsletter).
The motto on Kenny's website reads "Helping You Become A Better Photographer” Kenny McKeithan conducts in-the-field workshops in the Southeastern United States and the east coast.Online ONLY event
If you are not a CPA club member, you will need to request a link from programs@caryphotographicartists.org 10 lines are available, first come, first serve basis.
There will be a 20mn “social time” prior to the start of the meeting.
Note: If you are a CPA member you will receive the link automatically.