What we’re about
New Jersey's Premier Soccer Meetup. This group is for people who like to play soccer recreationally. We tend to meet twice a week, usually on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Here, you will find fun and organized games.
If you have any suggestions to make this group better or would like to schedule any additional meetups, feel free to email me.
By requesting membership and taking part in group activities you hereby are agreeing to the rules and regulation of the meetup. In addition, you acknowledge you are volunteering to play at your own self will and at your own risk. Neither organizer nor assistant organizers are responsible for any injuries or mishaps while partaking in the games. We will not tolerate fighting and NO SLIDE TACKLING.
If we have less than 10 people signed up by Friday at noon, we'll cancel or reschedule the game for the following Saturday.
If the designated field is unavailable, we'll have to play on a backup field. If we are unable to find a backup field, there's a chance that we may not be able to play that day.
Just a few reminders/rules:
1. Cost of each game is $3. You pay at the game. MAKE SURE TO BRING 3 DOLLARS ON THE FIELD FOR THE GAME. Money is usually collected at the beginning. This fee covers meetup fees, and other maintenance expenses.
2. Make sure you show up for the game if you RSVP'ed yes for the game. If you do not show up, you will be banned from registering for the next game and charged an $8 fine. Please make sure to update your RSVP by 10:00 p.m. the night before the game. There will be a $5 penalty for dropping after 10PM and before 12AM the night before the game. Any drops after 12AM is considered a no show.3. Rough play and offensive language will absolutely not be tolerated. No slide tackling, no pushing and no telling off (remember we are here to have fun; we are not professionals).
4. Chaser Rule - if you kick the ball far, you are expected to get it back for the other team
5. Goalie Rule - If you are chosen by a goalie to play goalie, then you should to go. If you are hurt to the point where you can't play goalie, then you will be excused for the game but should it continue on, you will not be allowed to play with the group.
Those that don't comply with these rules, will kindly be asked to leave the group so others can enjoy the game.
We will provide pinnies, but please bring a white and dark t-shirt just in case.
The RSVP is limited to help control overcrowding. The only way to guarantee your spot is to RSVP *and* show up on time (you should be present at the roll call).
After roll call, if slots are available, they will be filled by people from the waiting list, that are at the game, in signup order. So people who signed up first on the waiting list will get the first available slot, etc.