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What we’re about

Tired of the bar scene, have two left feet, don’t enjoy smoke filled noisy clubs where you can't carry on a conversation, but you still want to socialize with your contemporaries. Then The Cultural Singles is the group for you. We have events and outings where you can have intelligent and witty conversations getting to know other singles in your age range. We are not a “meet market”, our events will never be at a location where “what’s your sign” is the most common conversation topic! There are too many other meet-up groups doing that type of event. Don’t sit home by yourself anymore, tell us about the restaurants you always wanted to try and the cultural activities you are interested in. There are people here that will join you on these adventures.  Perhaps the "one" will also be attending an event or one of our members will introduce you to the "one", you never know where lightning will strike. 

Upcoming events (4+)

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