What we’re about
Digital People in Peterborough (or DPiP for short) is a fairly informal effort to help introduce people working in digital to each other, concentrating on Peterborough UK and the surrounding areas of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire etc.
Everyone is welcome and the "Peterborough" bit is simply to indicate that’s where the pub/venue will be.
It’s open to anyone working in digital whether you’re employed by a large company, freelancing, or founding your own start-up. And all disciplines are welcomed and encouraged whether you work in development, design, creating content, marketing, databases, security, systems administration or something else we haven’t thought of yet!
*Please note filming and photography by or on behalf of Digital People in Peterborough takes place at our events. You can opt-out of photography or filming at any time. If you specifically desire to opt out of onsite photography/filming, please contact hello@mydpip.com or make this known to a member of the organising team. Our full broadcasting terms and conditions can be found at https://mydpip.com/legal-bits/broadcast-terms-and-conditions/.*
Andy https://www.mindofdesign.com/
Featured image by Jackson Howell https://www.facebook.com/jacksontooksomepictures
See allUpcoming events (1)
See all- DPiP - 6th February 2025Bewiched Coffee Fletton Quays, Peterborough
👉 Ensure you RSVP in advance
Advance RSVPs help us to get an idea of numbers ahead of ordering any food or drinks so please RSVP now!Talks from:
Liam O'Connor and Andy Bundock.
Liam O'Connor: How a strong retainer strategy helps grow your agency
The talk was produced for Nimbus customers and any business that hasn't considered the profitability of retainers.Nimbus helps businesses manage their web hosting but focuses mainly on growing digital marketing businesses. Part of the value add is supporting them on their journey to productise web hosting services into highly effective retainers.
The talk reviews data from the 2023 retainer report, where nearly 200 agencies were asked a series of questions about the different retainers they have in place, how long they spend on these, and how much they charge.
The presentation hammers home the importance of looking at subscription-based models over project work. Allowing businesses to stabilise cash flow and invest this into other areas.
🟣 Continue the chat over on Discord
Did you know we now have a Discord community where you can chat about the latest DPiP talks, or anything else!