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What we’re about

A great shift in Human Consciousness is happening right now! Come join us on this awesome journey of Awakening and Transformation. Flowering Heart Meditation Tampa Bay is a growing community that brings people together to foster holistic and integrated spiritual growth, to help them move into higher states of consciousness and deeper connection with the Divine within.

We come from all walks of life and all faith orientations to share the Flowering Heart Blessing* and the grace of meditation during our weekly gatherings. It doesn’t matter if you are just a beginner or very advanced, the Flowering Heart Blessing will help take you to the next level of growth on the never-ending path of transformation. 

*What is the Flowering Heart Blessing? Read on...

                                                     Experience the Quickening!

                                                     FLOWERING HEART BLESSING

                   A non-religious transfer of Grace for Healing, Higher Consciousness,
                              Flowering of the Heart & Awakening the Divine Within

"However awakened you are, has your heart flowered? Are you kind?

The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. To change the world, you must begin with yourself, with the flowering of the heart.

When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are, experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance & join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering, the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth!"  - Michael Milner

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."  - Albert Einstein

A global shift in Human Consciousness is taking place! People everywhere are awakening into higher states of consciousness, and their hearts are flowering with unconditional love and compassion. They are realizing that all feelings of separation are an illusion: separation from others, separation from nature, separation from the Source, from Spirit. They are awakening to directly experience living in connection, in unity with each other and with all that is, including the Divine Presence. When we awaken from the illusion of separate existence and experience reality as it is, we are filled with bliss.

When we experience unity within ourselves, conflict, resistance and suffering end. When we experience unity with others, strife and war cease. When we experience unity with nature, we no longer do damage to the earth or the environment. When we experience unity with Spirit, with the Divine, religious conflict ends, and our hearts flower with unconditional love.

Awakening and the flowering of the heart is a gift of Grace. It may come after years of seeking and spiritual practice. It may come for no evident reason to those who aren’t even looking for it. It may come suddenly or gradually over many years. Whenever it comes, it is a gift.  The gift of awakening and the flowering of the heart is a Blessing that can be given by the Divine through direct transference of consciousness and energy from one person to another. This Blessing exists in one form or another in all the great mystical traditions of the world. It is called deeksha, shaktipat, initiation, the gift of the Holy Spirit and many other names.

Flowering Heart Blessing is one such transfer of Grace. It comes directly from Spirit and does not belong to any religion or belief system. It doesn’t matter what you believe or don’t believe, if you are an agnostic or an atheist. The Flowering Heart Blessing will support whatever path or tradition you follow. It costs nothing. There is nothing to join, no rules, no beliefs to accept, no teacher or hierarchy to submit to. It is a free gift from the Divine, a transfer of sacred intelligent energy for healing, higher consciousness, flowering of the heart and awakening the Divine within you. Come, experience the power of Blessing.

We live at a time when anyone who offers themselves as an instrument of Grace can instantly experience the Power of Blessing flow through them to others. It doesn’t require any special initiation. The all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present Spirit is equally available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. You are the vortex of power. Your spiritual heart is the temple of transformation. The Divine within you, your Higher Self, already living in your heart is the Teacher you seek. It is time to awaken to your true mastery, to remember who you are, to awaken the Divine within.

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