What we’re about
We are passionate about this game . Most of us been playing on regular basis mostly in morning (Saturday/Sunday) in Community Park in Central Fremont area, California. We play Intermediate (BB) to Advance (A) Level. We always looking for more players to join and keep the community growing.
• RSVPs - Please update your RSVPs if plans change. We set up nets based on anticipated participants. Multiple no shows will be removed.
• GUESTS - We want to keep the quality of play as best as possible, so if you want to invite other players to this group, please ensure that they are fundamentally sound with the sport.
• Participation - We'd like to keep the group manageable in size. Inactive members may be removed based on our discretion.
If you are rusty and haven't played in awhile, we know how that feels and will encourage you. Timing could be off/ confidence so just know we have all been there. This is common!