What we’re about
Hi All,
I create this group to socialize and meet new people, but the main purpose is to make close friends or a group of friends who share the same interests and dreams (it doesn’t matter if we will be 2 or 1000). What makes this group special?
1-Members will be picked/approved carefully according to some criteria’s
2-The age - its only for people between 30 till 45 years old.
3-We care for the quality not the quantity.
4-all members will involve in approving or rejecting requests – so please follow the following rules:
a-You must have a clear profile photo (photo of you not someone else photo)
b-Answer all the questions
c-Don’t leave blank answers
d-Please be honeset
e-Please be respectful when answering the questions
Kindly be informed your answers will be seen by all the members of the group and accordingly we will vote to accept or reject your request. Finally, and just to notify you this is not a dating group.