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What we’re about

The Geek Creed

I have no home--I make time and relative dimension in space my home.

I have no life or death--I make seeking out new life and new civilizations my life and death.

I have no divine power--Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side

I have no body--Well, I do, but I'm bigger on the inside.

I have no eyes--Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.

I have no ears--I make the song of ice and fire my ears.

I have no limbs--But it's only a flesh wound.

I have no strategy--And no plan. No Backup. No weapons worth a damn. Oh, and something else. I don't have anything to lose.

I have no talents--I make laughter my talent.

I have no armor--I make welcoming invitation my armor.

I have no sword--I make creative endeavor my sword.

~Adapted from the Warrior's Creed, Anonymous Samurai, fourteenth century

If any of these things resonate with you, then you belong with us. If they don't but you are even slightly curious, you probably still belong with us. Join us, and meet up with other self-identified geeks. Interests include (but are not limited to) Sci-fi/Fantasy, Anime, Video games, Board games, Roleplaying games, Science and Technology, Internet memes, and Web comics.


1. Group Registration - In order to join the group you must answer all of the profile questions. A picture is required; however, it does not have to be a photo of you, just something that represents you. Be aware that this is both a first impression and a screening tool for the organizers.

2. Activity Status - Until you have attended an event, you must check the site at least once every three months (RSVPing no counts) or you will be removed for inactivity. After attending an event, you must visit the site at least once per year in order to avoid automatic removal. Removal does not equal banning and rejoining is ALWAYS encouraged.

3. Attendance Policy - If you cancel the day of an event or do not show up without notifying the event organizer, it will count as a no show and noted on your profile. Repeated no shows may result in you being bumped to the waiting list for meetups with limited space in favor of those with a positive attendance history.

3. Event Suggestions - If you would like to suggest an event please use the "Suggest a Meetup" feature or contact an organizer for assistance.

4. Inappropriate Behavior - Inappropriate behavior, either at events or on Meetup can lead to your removal and at the organizers' discretion. Inappropriate behavior can be hard to define, but includes not respecting the rules of an event or host, harassment of members, and not following the directions of organizers. If a situation arises (discussion, games, etc.) where someone appears to become uncomfortable, take a step back, and give the other person some space. If something makes you uncomfortable, talk to an organizer. We are here to help you find the best way to resolve your situation.

5. Events at Private Residences - Some of our events are held at private residences. Hosts of such events reserve the right to limit attendance to people that they or the organizers have previously met. The organizers also reserve the right to restricting the hosting of such events to people they have met. Attending events held at public venues (both as new members and prospective hosts) is the easiest way to meet others.