What we’re about
Humanists meet around Greater Manchester to share and develop our understanding of a philosophy and morality based on human (not transcendental) values, to promote these values in the public domain, and to dialogue with religious and other beliefs.
Everyone who does not accept a belief in a god is welcome to join.
Please note: it is helpful if you register on meetup when you intend to come to a meeting. More folk attend our meetings than register on meetup that they will be going.
If you are not already on it, we invite you to join our email list and receive our monthly newsletter and other communications, which provide more information about our activities. To do so, contact our secretary, at [secretary@gmh.humanist.org.uk](mailto:secretary@gmh.humanist.org.uk)
GMH is a partner group of Humanists UK (formerly the British Humanist Association) and also a member of the International Humanist and Ethical Union.
The Stockport group is independent and has its own newsletter. To receive this, please contact the Stockport group secretary Christine Simons on stockport@humanistgroups.org.uk
See also our website: www.gmh.humanist.org.uk
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- GMH Sunday Social by ZoomLink visible for attendees
Every Sunday at 5.30pm. humanists around Greater Manchester and beyond gather in a zoom chat. This is a time for a laugh, catching up with friends, indulging in a drink whether a cup of tea or something stronger.
We are happy if you join us. This is a central place for our humanist community.Please note we changing the video conferencing system, for this event, to Google Meet. If you wish to join us just click the link and you should be able to join.
The link: https://meet.google.com/ftr-msaj-kyd
No charge is made for these meetings by zoom, but we do ask for contributions to cover costs. Please remit direct to the GMH account at the Coop bank sort 089299 ac/ 65845637 reference 'don' and your surname. Simultaneously please notify our treasurer Steven Lindsay on stevenjameslindsay@gmail.com that the transfer is being made. Thank you
- GMH Sunday Social by ZoomLink visible for attendees
Every Sunday at 5.30pm. humanists around Greater Manchester and beyond gather in a zoom chat. This is a time for a laugh, catching up with friends, indulging in a drink whether a cup of tea or something stronger.
We are happy if you join us. This is a central place for our humanist community.Please note we changing the video conferencing system, for this event, to Google Meet. If you wish to join us just click the link and you should be able to join.
The link: https://meet.google.com/ftr-msaj-kyd
No charge is made for these meetings by zoom, but we do ask for contributions to cover costs. Please remit direct to the GMH account at the Coop bank sort 089299 ac/ 65845637 reference 'don' and your surname. Simultaneously please notify our treasurer Steven Lindsay on stevenjameslindsay@gmail.com that the transfer is being made. Thank you