Everyone is invited to our monthly game night. I bring a group of games each month but feel free to bring your own as well. No specific games are set up for the night, we just bring a bunch of stuff from our collections and play some pick-up games. We have the tables and chairs. Bring your own food if you'd like (there is a microwave and fridge). There is also a Chinese place across the street, a convenience store for drinks and snacks, and we're in walking distance to Hot Dog World. If you have any questions about the types of games we play and basic info about our group, Read our FAQ (https://www.meetup.com/HendoHometownGameGeeks/about/)
NOTE: This event is held at a church but it is not a church event, it is a community event. Everyone is welcome, everyone should feel comfortable attending, and while I'm always happy to privately answer questions about my faith or the church if asked, proselytizing is not the purpose of these gatherings. I hope the location does not make anyone feel uncomfortable and if you have any questions you can message me directly.