I guess Old man winter showed up after all. We just received over a foot of new snow and another system will be here this week, Which should give us plenty of snow coverage. That being said, I think a snowshoe is long overdue. This is considered an advanced snowshoe, previous snowshoe experience is needed. Snowshoes are Required.
The plan, Snowshoe to the peak of San Jacinto ( 10,834 ft. ) We take the first tram up, at 0800. ( word to the wise, get there early, as it Will get busy). After the tram ride up, We regroup next to the stairs. . After a quick head count, we start heading up the mountain . We will be using snowshoes almost from the start. We will be heading up Sid Davis to Miller cutoff. It’s normally the preferred snowshoe route. Either way, we get to the peak, have lunch take a few photos and then head back down, via the same route.
We stay together for camaraderie and safety. If you find yourself dropping back, you need to turn around if safe to do so. If you’re unfamiliar with the trail then stay with the group. This trail can be difficult. It’s approx 7 miles, with 2,500 ft elev gain. You do need to have good stamina,as hiking in snow with snow shoes is a little more taxing then regular hiking. If this event appeals to you, sign up and answer the questions that pop up. YOU MUST ANSWER THE RSVP QUESTIONS. if you don’t see the questions send me an email. I’m keeping the number down to 12, This is done for the safety of all. If I’ve hiked/snowshoed with before then disregard the questions. You must provide a current photo and cell number. This is in the event, SAR is needed.
What to bring. Your ten essentials,Jackets, gloves, beanie , Water proof boots, gaters, trekking poles with snow basket, 3-4 liters of water, Warm drinks ,energy snacks, lunch, Micro spikes and of course, snow shoes. MICRO SPIKES ARE MANDATORY/REQUIRED, do not show up with the chain type, Yaktrak, as they are NOT intended for mountain use.
With the snow predictions we should have good snow.If not, we will still have a great day with Micros.
No plus 1s. No guest. No dogs.
Bring enough money for the tram ride. Tram tickets can also be purchased online, through the Palm Springs tram web site. also money for parking..
WAIVER. All outdoor activities of this nature are very rewarding, great views and of course an excellent workout. However, incidents do occur. Death and injury can and do happen. You sign up knowing this. Hike at your own risk. I’m not a professional guide, I’m just an volunteer organizer. You are responsible for yourself. I’m not responsible for you. If your not comfortable with this, Do Not sign up.