Each Friday we meet from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, discussing the message from last week. Check back for details before the meeting.
Please note that you will need an authenticated Zoom account. You do need to set your name to your actual name, and it helps to append the city you’re in—we have members from around the country and the world, so it helps to identify our neighbors. If you don’t include your real name, you may not be permitted entry.
Our small group time is meant to be a time of honest discussion about the topic for the evening, and we want everyone to have a chance to share, so please be ready to answer each question succinctly, and stay on the topic so there’s no need to interrupt anyone.
After introducing any newcomers, we will begin the Bible study shortly after 7:00 pm, finishing up around 8:30 pm. Please be respectful of others’ time and join on time so we can finish on time. As time allows, we will chat afterwards. It helps to keep your video on for visual cues to know if you’re ready to share, but first timers can just hang back and soak it in.
Please watch the message and look over the Talk It Over notes. If you don’t have time to catch the video, that’s fine; often the discussion questions work well on their own, but sometimes they will require quite a bit of introspection—HOMEWORK, as I like to say! If you love to share a lot, please allow others time to share as well. If you’re one who doesn’t share that much, please feel free to jump in; we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Just a reminder to those who have been invited by others: this is a small group Bible study for Christians or those on the path to becoming a Christian, studying God’s word together, primarily for singles in their 30’s to 50’s. Please understand that this isn’t a dating group, and we do welcome those who are in various stages of a relationship.