What we’re about
* Are you are looking for a heart-opening Shabbat morning experience and a way to connect with other spiritual seekers?
* Are you attracted to meditation and Eastern traditions and wonder why you haven’t found that personal connection within Jewish tradition? Wonder no more—meditation has been part of Jewish practice for centuries!
* So, if Jewish prayer practice has not touched your heart, come experience a more personal pathway using chanting and meditation, and find new personal meaning in the words of Jewish prayer.
* Repetition of a sacred phrase can clear the mind of clutter, and connect us to each other and to the Unity of all that is.
* Meditation brings a sense of inner peace and focuses attention on the present moment, the place where the Divine Presence can be experienced.
* Give yourself a taste of the peace of Shabbat & connect to your deeper spiritual self.
No prior knowledge of chanting or meditation is necessary. If you already meditate, come see what the Jewish tradition has to offer to your practice.
(Go to pages for information about Service Leaders Rachel Wohl and Marcia Glass-Siegel)
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Shabbat morning Chanting & Meditation serviceMembers Homes, Baltimore, MD
Starting with a 20 minute guided meditation, then using short phrases from the Shabbat morning service, Rachel or Marcia will provide a "kavannah" (spiritual intention), lead a chant, and then provide a meditative pause after each chant. Join us along with East Bank Havurah (also on Meetup) at 10:00 am in person in the Pikesville area or via ZOOM to participate in this deeply spiritual way to experience Shabbat morning. If you'd like to join us in person, call Steve at 443-257-1238 by 6pm on Fri, March 14th (In-person numbers are limited). To participate via ZOOM, here is the link:
Join us on Zoom (no passcode required with this link)
On the app or phone (+1 301 715 8592, Participant ID: #)
Meeting ID: 459 900 9391 Passcode: EBH