What we’re about
SoulCollage® is an intuitive collage process for self-discovery and personal transformation. SoulCollage® founded by Seena Frost and she describes SoulCollage® as a system for creating a deck of cards which is a visual journal, your own living journal to which you can add over the years. Your deck of cards--that you intuitively create--will help you identify and image your diverse inner parts, the beautiful ones and the shadow ones, the easy to like ones, and the harder to like ones. A SoulCollage® deck is the Story of You.
In a SoulCollage® workshop you can create a new deck or add to your deck by making new cards. Right when you walk in you will see thousands of images and began building your SoulCollage® deck. The time together is almost a meditative time to connect with your various inner parts and the last 30 minutes to share with the group one of your cards that you made.
It is a lot of fun and has many benefits for personal transformation.