This singles games session is for badminton players of high intermediate to advance level skills, Division 1, Division 2 (minimum) club or league experience.
This session is not suitable for beginners, improvers or low intermediate. Please attend the Sunday singles session
in some case organizer's discretion will apply
Be aware of the impact of the virus or any flue like symptoms and DO NOT attend this session OR ANYOTHER SESSIONS if unsure.
Come and join us for some Badminton singles games at Chobham Academy from 2pm to 4pm.
We play with feather shuttlecocks
Cost of session is £12
This can be made by cash on the day
or by bank transfer to
Sort Code 23-05-80
account 55411069
Name London East Badminton Club
Please make sure that you use your meetup name as reference and the session date. This is so I can match the payment to you.
The venue is approx. 10 min walk from Leyton Station (turn left out station and then right at the Park)
Stratford Station, walk through Westfield towards Waitrose. Take the exit on the right called Celebration avenue. Follow road and you will come to the entrance of the school.
Still can't find us, call me on 07545596305
If your driving there is an NCP car parking at the school. There's is also places in Leyton area that you can park for free. See road signage
Simple "If" Rules:
If you want to attend, you must rsvp
If you want to bring a friend you MUST rsvp for them
If you do not rsvp, you will be turned away
If you RSVP and DO NOT attend you will be fined £12, unless you remove your RSVP at least 24hrs before the session start time.
Please respect the session limit, they are for your own good as over crowdedness means less games for you!
Important Note:
Your are responsible for your own wellbeing. London East Badminton Club or any management at Chobham Academy is not responsible for any injuries, loss of items or otherwise.