What we’re about
This group is for those looking for heart centered community and teachings that are directly handed down from an unbroken lineage that goes back to King Salomon, the wise. Know Thyself! We offering Meditation, Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel and Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah. Offerings here do not reflect our full schedule. Please go to the calendar here modernmystseryschoolnorcal.com to find out more or call or text Erin Wallace 925 788 1487 to find out how to begin on the path of the initiation that beings with Empower Thyself.
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Ostara Wicca Ceremony (Charity Event)2395 Pleasant Hill Rd, Pleasant Hill, CA$32.00
Ostara is a wiccan holiday and one of the eight Sabbats. Ostara celebrates the spring equinox. The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess name, Eostre. Eostre represented spring and new beginnings.
The celebration of spring is present in many ancient customs, across all cultures, and it seems that Wicca has borrowed from many of them for Ostara. Like many other spring celebrations in other cultures, Ostara symbolizes fertility, rebirth, and renewal. This time of year marked the beginning of the agricultural cycle, and farmers would start planting seeds.We welcome you to attend this ceremony and partake of the energies of this powerful day in the Wheel of the Year!
Proceeds go to charity.
Prerequisite: None, Open to the general public.
Contact Erin Wallace ( 925-788-1487 / eventsmmsncal@gmail.com) for any question.
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