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What we’re about

The Montgomery County Camera Club of Maryland (MoCo Camera Club) is a photography membership club that is designed for photographers of all skill levels (amateurs to professionals) to come together to learn, share, discuss, develop and advance in all areas of photography. Club activities will consist of meetings and field trips with guest speakers, photo shoots, instructional workshops and participation in gallery exhibitions. Membership will be comprised of photographers from Montgomery County and the entire Washington D.C. Metropolitan area.

The Montgomery County Camera Club is a membership organization. Information about joining the club is available on our website at

Events posted on Meetup by the Montgomery County Camera Club are open to members of the Meetup and the public. <br>

Visitors to the club's meetings (including members of the Meetup group who are not currently dues-paying members of the club) may attend up to 3 camera club meetings with the exception of model shoots free of charge. On the 4th visit and beyond there will be a $5 fee for general program meetings or you have the option of joining the club. Your dues will be prorated after January. <br> <br>For model shoots, all Meetup members and visitors will pay a $10 model fee. Paid camera club members - no charge.


Upcoming events (1)

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