What we’re about
Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation !
Sahaja Meditation Meetup is meant for everyone who desires to find his or her true self, which is full of peace, joy of life and love for others. It is not just a book or a set of exercises but a living science that will open up to you gradually as your meditation becomes deeper and your experience stronger and more fulfilling.
All over world, human beings believe they can find solutions to their problems in new products, medicines and technology. Most aren’t aware that deep within themselves resides a most potent and transformational energy. What if there was a simple method for you to tap into the power and energy lying deep within you, allowing you to better yourself emotionally, physically and mentally? Sahaja Meditation is just that — a system of guided mental relaxation and inner balancing techniques that can bring about profound spiritual and emotional calm, wellness and clarity. Sahaja Meditation helps you reach a deep and absolute understanding of your Self and activate the “Inner Energy”. Once activated, the Inner Energy, which corresponds to our parasympathetic nervous system, starts nourishing, relaxing and refreshing the human body and its underlying subtle (energy) system. Through simple, natural, yet highly effective techniques which are available to all free of charge, Sahaja Meditation has brought inner peace, balance, and relief from stress and a host of illnesses to hundreds of thousands in over 100 countries. Medical research conducted in Australia, Russia, India, Austria and other countries has indicated its significant ability to alleviate a wide range of afflictions ranging from high blood pressure to ADHD and to the effects of substance abuse. Here are just a few specific benefits Sahaja Yoga Meditation offers by activating the "Inner Energy"…
• Immediate stress relief and long-term stress management
• Improve physical and emotional health and boost long-term resilience
• Improve overall personality and relationships
• Balance personal and professional responsibilities
• Take control of your life; control negative emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, guilt
• Improve cognitive functioning: focus, clarity, decision-making and problem-solving skills, enhanced creativity Physical and emotional health and well-being:
Recent clinical studies have demonstrated the mental and physical health benefits provided by regular practice of Sahaja. For example: • Stress management and emotional resilience.
• Depression and anxiety relief.
• Prevention and treatment of illnesses, including: epilepsy, hypertension and cardiac diseases, asthma and respiratory illnesses, migraine syndrome, and menopausal symptoms
• Boosts immune system and slows aging.
• Reduction of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder symptoms.
• Chronic Pain reduction. What to expect from a Sahaja Meditation class:
All classes are free for public, no strings attached. There's nothing to buy, now or ever. It's against Sahaja principles to charge money for awakening thers energy that is born with them.
The Sahaja Meditation location is located at: