What we’re about
This is a group for anyone over 21 who is interested in playing volleyball and socializing. All skill levels are welcome. Teams will be assigned by organizer each week in order to keep teams equal. After an invigorating night of volleyball, those interested go out socializing for the rest of the night. There will also be sand volleyball during the summer. If you're looking for competitive volleyball with a great bunch of people, laughs, staying active and making new friends, then this is the right group for you!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- High Intermediate Indoor Volleyball (invite only)Husky Den, Windsor, CT
Skill Level:
High Intermediate refers to a level of volleyball play that is more advanced than the intermediate level but not quite at the advanced level. Players at this level usually have a solid understanding of the fundamental skills and strategies of the game and can execute them proficiently. In high-intermediate volleyball, players are expected to have good control over their serves, passes, sets, spikes, and blocks.Please be aware that we will be selecting participants based on suitability rather than on a first-come, first-served basis. (on the meet-up wait list) The host reserves the right to transfer your RSVP to a suitable court if you fail to meet the minimum requirements. We aim to ensure that the most appropriate players are chosen for each role or team.
Message host for clarification.Event time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Cost - $10.00 - PayPal or Venmo (gnetaob41@gmail.com) (PAY ONLY WHEN MOVED TO THE GOING LIST) Pay by 10:00 pm Thursday. Members not paying on time will be placed back on the waitlist/not going list. The earlier you pay, the better! (Once you get moved to the going list). Verification from the host will be needed if you are transferred back to the waitlist(payment will not be accepted if the group is full). Refunds, if required, will be honored for those canceling before Thursday night. Cancelations after Thursday night for any reason do not get refunded.
"No Children" - this is the rule of the venue.
There will be consequences for unsportsmanlike conduct as follows:- First offense: Warning
- Second Offense: 2 Weeks without Play
- Third Offense: One Month without play
- Final and Fourth Offense: No longer a member of NEVAS and will be blocked By clicking "yes" for this event.
By clicking "yes" for this event, you agree, warrant, and covenant as follows: In consideration for accepting this entry, I, the registrant, intend to be legally bound, at this moment, for myself, my heirs, my executors, and administrators, do waive and release any and all rights for damages I may have against any parties or persons connected with the New England Volleyball And Socializing (NEVAS) meet up group for and related to the above-listed event. I can verify and verify that I am physically fit to participate in any portion of this event above. I grant NEVAS permission to use any photographs, film, or videotapes of this event for any purpose.
- Teams courtHusky Den (new location), Windsor, CT
Requirements: Teams must have at least six players. Teams must also inform me of who is on their team before Wednesday.
Event time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Cost - $10.00 - PayPal or Venmo (gnetaob41@gmail.com) (PAY ONLY WHEN MOVED TO THE GOING LIST) Pay by 10:00 pm Thursday members not paying on time will be placed back on the waitlist/not going list. The earlier you pay, the better! (Once you get moved to the going list). Verification from the host will be needed if you are moved back to the waitlist(payment will not be accepted if the group is full). Refunds, if required, will be honored for those canceling before Thursday night. Cancelations after Thursday night for any reason do not get refunded.
"No Children" - this is the rule of the venue.
There will be consequences for unsportsmanlike conduct as follows:- First offense: Warning
- Second Offense: 2 Weeks without Play
- Third Offense: One Month without play
- Final and Fourth Offense: No longer a member of NEVAS and will be blocked By clicking "yes" for this event.
By clicking "yes" for this event, you agree, warrant, and covenant as follows: In consideration for accepting this entry, I, the registrant, intend to be legally bound, at this moment, for myself, my heirs, my executors, and administrators, do waive and release any and all rights for damages I may have against any parties or persons connected with the New England Volleyball And Socializing (NEVAS) meet up group for and related to the above-listed event. I attest and verify that I am physically fit to participate in any portion of this above-listed event. I grant NEVAS permission to use any photographs, film, or videotapes of this event for any purpose.
- Recreational Indoor VolleyballHusky Den (new location), Windsor, CT
Recreational volleyball:
Play for fun, exercise, and social interaction. Learn the game of volleyball while socializing and meeting new people.Please be aware that we will be selecting participants based on suitability rather than on a first-come, first-served basis. (on the meet-up wait list) The host reserves the right to accept or decline a member off the waitlist if you fail to meet the minimum requirements. We aim to ensure that the most appropriate players are chosen for each role or team.
Message host for clarification.Event time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Cost - $10.00 - PayPal or Venmo (gnetaob41@gmail.com) (PAY ONLY WHEN MOVED TO THE GOING LIST) Pay by 10:00 pm Thursday. Members not paying on time will be placed back on the waitlist/not going list. The earlier you pay, the better! (Once you get moved to the going list). Verification from the host will be needed if you are moved back to the waitlist(payment will not be accepted if the group is full). Refunds, if required, will be honored for those canceling before Thursday night. Cancelations after Thursday night for any reason do not get refunded.
"No Children" - this is the rule of the venue.
There will be consequences for unsportsmanlike conduct as follows:- First offense: Warning
- Second Offense: 2 Weeks without Play
- Third Offense: One Month without play
- Final and Fourth Offense: No longer a member of NEVAS and will be blocked By clicking "yes" for this event.
By clicking "yes" for this event, you agree, warrant, and covenant as follows: In consideration for accepting this entry, I, the registrant, intend to be legally bound, at this moment, for myself, my heirs, my executors, and administrators, do waive and release any and all rights for damages I may have against any parties or persons connected with the New England Volleyball And Socializing (NEVAS) meet up group for and related to the above-listed event. I attest and verify that I am physically fit to participate in any portion of this above-listed event. I grant NEVAS permission to use any photographs, film, or videotapes of this event for any purpose.
- Intermediate Indoor volleyballHusky Den, Windsor, CT
Players at the intermediate level typically have a solid understanding of the basic rules and techniques of volleyball and possess a moderate level of proficiency in executing various skills, such as serving, passing, setting, hitting, and blocking.Please be aware that we will be selecting participants based on suitability rather than on a first-come, first-served basis. (on the meet-up wait list) The host reserves the right to transfer your RSVP to a suitable court if you fail to meet the minimum requirements. We aim to ensure that the most appropriate players are chosen for each role or team.
Message host for clarification.Start time: 7:00 pm
End Time: 10:00 pm
Games will start between 7:20 pm-7:30 pm
Cost - $10.00 - PayPal or Venmo (gnetaob41@gmail.com) (PAY ONLY WHEN MOVED TO THE GOING LIST) Pay by 10:00 p.m. Thursday members not paying on time will be placed back on the waitlist/not going list. Verification from the host will be needed if you are moved back to the waitlist(payment will not be accepted if the group is full) Refunds if needed will be honored for those canceling before Thursday night. Cancelations after Thursday night for any reason do not get refunded.
"No Children" - this is the rule of the venue.
There will be consequences for unsportsmanlike conduct as follows:- First offense: Warning
- Second Offense: 2 Weeks without Play
- Third Offense: One Month without play
- Final and Forth Offense: No longer a member of NEVAS and will be blocked By clicking "yes" for this event.
By clicking "yes" for this event, you agree, warrant, and covenant as follows: In consideration for accepting this entry, I, the registrant, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, my executors, and administrators, do waive and release any and all rights for damages I may have against any parties or persons connected with the New England Volleyball And Socializing (NEVAS) meet up group for and related to the above-listed event. I attest and verify that I am physically fit to participate in any portion of this above-listed event. I grant NEVAS permission to use any photographs, film, or videotapes of this event for any purpose.