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What we’re about

People join this group to meet new people but there are things that make this group special.

  1. Our members - I have met a lot of people and we seem to draw very sincere people. In my three years, I have seen so many great relationships of all kinds form. This wouldn't happen at the pace it does if it weren't for the fact that our members come to events with the right intentions and a friendly tone.
  2. Quality of our events - We are now the largest and most active group in the state. This gives us opportunities to make great events. The hosts and I put a lot of thought and work into our events. It is our goal to make events welcoming and entertaining.
    There are a lot of "regular" members that attend many events. Each one of these people started with one event and now I know the group means a lot to them. Take the risk! Join, come to an event, and if it works for you, I am sure I will see you at a lot more.
    NOTE: If you would like to run an event, awesome, I would love to hear from you. Or if you are a business that would like for us to try out your establishment, let me know. I am open to suggestions. You can see my contact information below.
    Thank you.
    Tommy Baker \, 414-702-9892 \

New Friends MKE Organizer
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