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What we’re about

First & most importantly! This group has no age limit! We have younger and over 50, ALL welcome who are looking to make friends and support and empower one another.

We are about making friends NOT customers, so bring a warm smile and be ready to converse!

Do you find yourself at that time in your life saying "what now?" Kids have grown or left the nest? Are you thinking of a career change or maybe starting one ? Are you saying who's that in the mirror? Are looking to make new friends? Do you want a healthier, happier, and best looking you for this next exciting half of your life? If the answer is yes, Let's do it together! Through fun activities & events to make new friends to support, and empower one another along the way.

We have a variety of professional and life experiences to share with each other for guidance, advice and first hand tips. Together we can all improve to find our passion and purpose again, while connecting with other women going through the same things.

Come join us for fun events like, outdoor activities, wine socials, discussions , speakers , movies, and cultural events, just to name a few!

To Join our closed Facebook pages you need to be a paid member to be able to join. Here are few of ur closed community pages, “WTFifties" main page and "WTFifties Camarillo", WTFifties Ventura, and, WTFifties Simi Valley, also "WTFifties Singles". Pay your membership then Ask to join, and start making friends while doing fun things!

NOTE: YOU HAVE TO BE A WTFifties PAID MEMBER to be approved to our closed Facebook pages, as this helps secures our members private information.

MEMBERSHIPS- Please go to our website at; to see our membership options.

We are a very active group, with up to 14 activities a month, with more being added all the time by our members, along with many more on our FB pages.



We also request members to take an active role by stepping up to become an event host. This means you plan an event of what you like doing ie: hiking, knitting, book club, healthy cooking, movies or museums and cultural events. You get the idea. You are not obligated, but it gives all our members more to choose from and connect with similar interests, and with our rapidly growing group it lets us grow and reach more women who want to make friends. This could be done monthly, weekly, whatever fits your schedule. So please reach out to me if interested I will get you started and always be there for any questions or help.


For those further out and would like to start their own WTFifties chapter in their area contact me and Ill get you started.


You will hold harmless all leaders, members of liability in any WTFifties, event or activity. You join events acknowledging you are in good health to do so or know your own health and physical limitations to make such decisions to participate.

We have a no-show policy as follows, if you fail to give adequate notice of cancelation, or fail to show up for events you will not be able to rsvp for events, and maybe removed from group if it continues. Please be respectful of our members, your friends.


We are a all inclusive group, warm and welcoming to all women. So we do not tolerate ANY harassing, bullying, gossiping or basic negativity. So two topics we don't allow, because of their often divisive nature is religion and politics.

You have to have a profile picture, full face only, no hats, sunglasses ect. to join. This is to help discourage fake profiles. We also need to communicate with you, so we recommend you to turn on EMAIL UPDATES & NOTIFICTIONS in both your computer and phone app. This helps with being able to do email confirmation for events and to cut back on no shows or last min. cancelation. If you need help doing this please reach out to me and Ill gladly walk you thru.


We welcome you and look forward to meeting you soon!


DeAnne Cool

Founder of WTFifties (805)750-0533

Upcoming events (3)

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