What we’re about
We are a diverse group of people from many different walks of lives and belief systems but we share the common desire to live a Beautiful life and to help raise the consciousness of humanity.
The raising of consciousness is a world-wide movement and is intended to shift mankind into a state of Oneness, that is, a connectedness to all of mankind and all living things.
The Oneness Meditations and Blessings connect you with the Divine Energy of the Universe thus beginning the healing of the body and the discharge of repetitive emotional patterns which have held you in suffering. In relationships it enables a greater sensitivity and connectedness with the other, freeing you from the limitations of your judgments and conditioning.
The Oneness Meditation and Blessing, over time, has the capacity to expand your horizon of thinking and helps you understand the universe around you and the principles governing you.
When you Awaken into Oneness, there is an end to the sense of separation that is the root cause of all suffering. You realize there is only one Body, one Mind, one Consciousness. This new experience of reality allows us to discover a new way of living, loving and creating a better planet for the present and the future. This is our shared destiny.
We are affiliated with O & O Academy, a philosophy and meditation center for learning, growth and transformation in Southern India.
For more information and classes in India and the USA see the following sites:
Facebook - O&O Academy
Facebook - O&O Academy USA
Facebook - Oneness Omaha