What we’re about
This group is for people over 50 who are looking to connect with like minded individuals! In this age bracket, frequently, there are limited social opportunities where you can meet a new friend, companion or a possible mate. This Meetup group specifically targets the needs of your lifestyle. We will have fun activities in this group. The predominant events in this group will be structured & unstructured "mix & mingles." Feel free to join us if you are in your late 40's too! This is a clique free Meetup!
-Must upload a current photo.
The organizers spend many hours of their time researching, organizing, and hosting events. Sometimes, the organizers even use their own resources to reserve spaces and times for the group. We rely heavily on the accuracy of RSVPs as we plan our events and make reservations. Members are given ample time and reminders to update their RSVPs days before the event. Please update your RSVP to "NO" when you realize you will not be able to make it.
Important additional information:
We reserve the right to remove members from this meetup group for any reason including soliciting our members or any unwanted contact - such as unwanted comments on their profiles or sending emails to people you have not already met and developed a rapport with. Our members have the right to report any behavior that is considered offensive or unwanted. We believe in treating each other with respect and respecting each other's personal space and privacy. We encourage all social media users to be selective about who they connect with online. A good way to gauge a person's authenticity is to meet in person at one of our events where there is no pressure. Our Meetups are monitored in order to provide a relaxed atmosphere for our members.
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