What is our galactic origin story? Where did the human template originate from? When we travel back in time, beyond the history of Earth and move out into the Ancient Universe... we have to wonder, how was this all created and Where is everyone?
The vastness and complexity of space and how galaxies are created continues to captivate the human mind. Who are we and where did we come from? What are the Universal laws that govern all of creation and are their different principles within different forms or dimensions of experience?
In this eye opening and mind expanding presentation, Neil Gaur will present over 2 decades of research and exploration in this celestial journey that resulted in humans existing here, now on Planet Earth.
We will explore deeply into the nature of blackholes, wormholes and especially the supermassive blackhole in the center of Our Galaxy. How does this connect to dimensions? Are we living in a matrix, hologram, simulation? We will explore the construct of dimensional space and beyond.
Join us as we take a journey through the cosmos and into the central sun. This visual journey will be consciousness expanding... bringing grounded facts into the realm of consciousness so we can understand the reality we are in right now and where we could potentially be heading.
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Register Now: https://portaltoascension.org/event/galactic-origins-dimensions-black-holes/