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What we’re about

Bring iPod & earbuds: everybody listens to their own music as we dance walk around the park loop:

What is "Dance Walking"? It's is an improvised form of walking, with music, doing whatever movement comes naturally. It's walking and moving your arms. Or skipping, skitching, low-stepping, sideways running. It's responding to the rhythm, attitude, or story of the music you're hearing. In short, it's having a dance party in your living room, while walking through the park.

This meet-up is for folks inspired by music, who can no longer suppress the urge to bust a move! "Dance" encompasses a wide range of physical movement on the Dance Walk--no professional creds necessary. DW is not a performance, but a loose container for exercise, music immersion and physical expression.

Why do we each listen to our own music? Because each of us gets our rocks off to different tunes, and it's important to connect first internally, before turning your energy outward. This is not a group-dance per se, but a group of individuals doing their own thing, together. You need to possess the ability to move on your own, and to follow your own improvisational impulses--by listening to your music, your body, and whatever else inspires you.

We meet @10:0am, share names, cue up our tunes and usually take off within 5 minutes.

A word to the shy, self-conscious, and judgy: You will have the MOST fun of all. Once you're warm and hit that flow, the negative mental static falls away. Movement comes easily, and music takes over. Take it from a deeply self-conscious person, Dance Walk is a profoundly joyful liberation.

*To find us: Enter Prospect Park at main Grand Army Plaza entrance (NOT the bike lock path with water fountain). Walk past the vegetable vendors on the drive about 100 paces. We gather on the grassy triangle, just shy of the park loop, right before or at start time.

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