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What we’re about

Rotterdam Footy is for those who love to play football without the obligations and the overly competitive spirit that comes with joining a club. Our group usually plays twice a week in Blijdorp and Kralingen. Members are a mix of internationals and locals; the lingua franca is English. The skill level of players varies but players are generally experienced.

## Locations

We use various fields in Rotterdam. Always on artificial grass and with small goals.

- Pitch Statenweg (five or six players per side)

- Pitch Hefpark (5 a side)

## RSVP & Cancellation policy

Online signup is required for every game -- no exceptions. If your plans change, you must cancel your RSVP at least 24 hours before the game. No-shows who fail to cancel their RSVP and those who repeatedly cancel in the last minute or do not show up without letting know anything will be banned from the group.

## Fees

We collect small fees per player per game to cover our expenses. Balls, bibs, cones,, the pitch at Kralingse Bos -- all this costs money. If there is a surplus, it will flow back into the group.

Fees are collected via the payment system, which requires a PayPal account or a credit card. We do not collect cash.

Currently the Wednesday game at Pitch Kralingse Bos costs 4 euro per player per game, and the Saturday game at Pitch Statenweg is free.

## About the game

Please read the individual event descriptions. The organizers vary, and so do the rules of the game. Saturday at Pitch Statenweg, for example, is a different game from Wednesday at Pitch Kralingse Bos.

## Group policies

We do not like no-shows and players who arrive late. Repeated offenders will be removed from the group.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.