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What is Sahaja Yoga?

For thousands of years, people have been seeking an inner awakening, Otherwise known as “enlightenment”, or “self-realisation”. Few people succeeded in attaining it, and the majority who did, lived like hermits because it was reserved for those who cleansed themselves fully, denounced all material and emotional attachments, behaved righteously and sacrificed all desires except for the pure desire to obtain their salvation. Only then, if they deserved it, did they receive it.

Today, in contrast, anyone who sincerely desires their inner awakening can attain it because humanity has evolved enough for this to happen. This time has been called the “blossom time”, when it is everyone’s birthright to evolve to this higher level of consciousness and as it is the natural next step in our evolution, it cannot be paid for.

The experience of Inner Awakening takes place through the spontaneous awakening of an inner power called Kundalini, which lies dormant until awakened, in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine in each individual. As the Kundalini rises, it nourishes and balances our “chakras” which correspond to the nerve plexuses in our body and each of these energy centres emit various qualities which are strengthened as these centres become enlightened.
The awakening of the Kundalini also integrates our mental, physical and emotional being, which relaxes us. Finally, when the power pierces the fontanelle bone on top of our head (our Sahasrara chakra), in the limbic area of our brain, it can be felt in our hands and as a cool breeze emerging out of the top of our head. At this point, we experience the silence of “thoughtless awareness”, our attention merges with our spirit and our spirit merges with the cosmic power all around us. Then the yoga (union with the universal unconscious) takes place, and we enter into a deep state of meditation in which we become collectively conscious and can actually feel the all-pervading power in our hands through our central nervous system! In the Koran, it is written that at the time of resurrection (Al-Quiyamah) our hands will speak.
But don’t I have to be able to meditate already to experience this?
No. Definitely not. This is for everybody to experience and could be regarded as our birthright. This is for every single man, woman and child on the planet and is very simple. All we have to do is to have an open mind and a desire to feel this connection with the rest of humanity.
I meditate already, so why should I try this?
You may have your Inner awakening already and find it easy to meditate in silence. If this is the case, then that’s fine. The way to test if you have self realisation is to ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you feel sensations of heat, coolness or tingling in your fingers when you meditate or when you put your attention on to different things in your life?
  2. Can you feel a sensation like a cool breeze coming from the top of your head on the palm of your hand
  3. Are you able to experience a state of “thoughtless awareness” where you can sit in meditation without thinking for a period.

If the answer to all of these is “no” then it is unlikely that you have your Inner awakening, and you will definitely benefit from experiencing it through Sahaja Yoga. Even if you answered “yes” to any or all of the questions, you will still find the collectivity of the Sahaja Yoga experience very enjoyable, and it’s well worth trying it.

The founder of Sahaja Yoga was known as "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi" and her method of enabling us to get our inner awakening is her gift to humanity. It enables human beings to take a leap forward in their collective evolution. Anyone who has experienced this awakening can pass it on and give self-realisation to others, just as one candle can light another. In this way, we can individually and collectively fulfil our potential and experience a more balanced, satisfied, joyful and “whole” version of our self and the world we live in.

If you would like to experience this, come along to the weekly meetings here. We have both online and face-to face meetings all over the UK and most other countries. Inner awakening is always free-of-charge and there are no fees for any of our courses, sessions or advice.

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Like all Sahaja Yoga meetings, they are free of charge.

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