What we’re about
Do you dread having to organize a team? Do your palms get sweaty when asked to give a presentation to your boss? If you want to become more comfortable with speaking and leading, a Toastmasters club might just be the place for you! Toastmasters International is a worldwide non-profit organization of educational-social clubs for people of all skill levels and walks of life who want to develop confidence and experience in communicating with others, both professionally and in their personal lives. This group encompasses clubs throughout the St. Louis metro region, and all clubs represented have unrestricted membership. Find a club (or several!) to fit your schedule and give us a visit!
We are helping everyday people & professionals to increase their confidence and give them an Edge in today's world.
Become more comfortable speaking in front of people and Effectively Communicating with others ...family, friends, co-workers, etc.
Looking to build your Leadership Skills?
Then come visit, Toast of Belleville. A supportive group of individuals, who believe in helping other achieve more. Our meetings are fun fill; with a positive environment and constructive feedback and just a great place to practice, learn, grow and share.
We meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month, Online virtual meeting
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85602389135?pwd=NEJrMGo3Tlc5UnZ0TXNGRGlKdTlQdz09
Visit our website below for more details.
Please be our guest and see what we're all about. Encourage you to bring a friend.
• What to bring ... Just Yourself and a Positive Attitude....Looking Forward to seeing & helping you to become all that you can be.
Visit our club website (http://2967717.toastmastersclubs.org/) to learn more!