Conscious Communication and Nurturing Touch. That is what a Cuddle Party is all about.
Cuddle party features a safe supportive space to explore a wide range of nurturing touch and connection experiences.
The first hour or so is a communication workshop in which you will learn how to ask for what you want in a way that feels like a gift. You will learn to choose; say yes and no and even change your mind in a graceful way.
This is followed by a couple of hours of free style cuddling where you get to practice the skills learned in the workshop.
You will leave with a greater understanding and connection with YOU, and perhaps a few others who you may have not even met yet.
The address will be provided after registration.
Registration and tickets:
The Cuddle Party lasts for about 4 hours:
Doors open at 2:00 pm
2:00-2:30 pm arrive, check in and put on pajamas. Please bring clean, comfy. cuddly clothes. Also, bringing a snack and cuddle accessories to share is welcome :) No alcohol please.
2:30 - 3:30 pm The Welcome Circle. Attendees MUST be present for the whole welcome circle to participate. If you are not here by 2:30pm and have not called, you may not be able to participate. My phone number is 619-846-5356.
3:30 - 5:30 pm Freestyle practice time with affectionate nurturing touch - what we call "Cuddling".
5:30 - 6:00 pm Closing circle, and goodbyes.
Questions? Call 619-846-5356 or email
The Rules of "Cuddling"
The rules are tried and true, and there’s a logic to them that goes deeper than you might think to create a safe, fun environment for people to connect. At a Cuddle Party event the first hour or so includes an explanation of the rules that you can use every day. Intrigued? Come check it out!
The Rules
ARRIVE ON TIME: Once we begin the Welcome Circle and orientation, sorry, we can't let anyone enter late. This creates comfort and safety by knowing that everyone is on the same page about rules and expectations.
WHAT TO WEAR: Pajamas or sweats– nothing too risqué. Think more comfy than sexy. (More drawstrings, less lace! No short-shorts or nighties please.) There will be space for changing
WHAT TO BRING: Sorry, no liquor folks. Juice or sparkling cider is always welcome as are treats and snacks to share. A stuffed animal if you like. A comfort pillow is always nice. Otherwise, just bring your smiling self.
- Pajamas stay on the whole time.
- You don’t have to cuddle anyone at a cuddle party, ever.
- You must ask permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch
anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.)
- If you’re a yes, say YES. If you’re a no, say NO.
- If you’re a maybe, say NO.
- You are encouraged to change your mind.
- Respect your relationship agreements and communicate with your partner.
- Get your Facilitator or the Assistant if you have a question or concern or need assistance with anything during the event.
- Tears and laughter are both welcome.
- Respect people’s privacy
- Keep the Cuddle space tidy
PAYMENT AND REFUNDS Please pay online using Eventbrite for a guaranteed reservation. Those who arrive at the door may find that the event is full. The cost at the door is $40.00 If you reserve and then find you cannot make it I will give you a refund less the processing fee if you let me know at least 24 hours before. There is no refund or credit if you don't show up. However, if you come and then leave after the welcome circle, I will give you a complete refund.
If you feel drawn to come and find the cost out of your reach, please email or give me a call.
The address will be given after registration
Registration and tickets:
Please direct your questions to Adam at 619-846-5356 or