What we’re about
Welcome to the Santa Cruz group of the Ventana Chapter Sierra Club! Here you will find a listing of some of the Santa Cruz Group outings and meetings, as well as opportunities to engage with the broader environmental/social justice/sustainability community in Santa Cruz. We welcome everyone to participate and encourage all to become members on our website at http://www.sierraclub.org/. To see our future events, click here. The current liability waiver may be found here .
John Muir co-founded the Sierra Club in 1892 to share his love of nature. Since then, the Club has matured into the nation's largest and most influential environmental organization. The Club’s mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's resources; and to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the environment.
The Ventana Chapter serves Santa Cruz and Monterey counties of central California and hosts numerous outings, conservation actions, and ways to get involved. The Santa Cruz Group serves Sierra Club members in Santa Cruz County and was originally formed in 1966 as part of the Loma Prieta Chapter. In October 1974, the Santa Cruz Group became part of the Ventana Chapter. Information about the Santa Cruz Group is on our web site at http://ventana.sierraclub.org/santacruz/