What we’re about
Sierra Club is a national organization dedicated to explore, enjoy and protect the planet. This group is for anyone looking for outdoor activities, environmental programs and education and ways to make our community greener! Virtually all are FREE and open to everyone - you do not need to be a Sierra Club member to participate.
The Sierra Club groups of the Greater Tampa Bay Florida area includes the Suncoast Sierra Club group (serving Pinellas and Western Pasco & Western Hernando Counties) and the Tampa Bay Sierra Club (serving Hillsborough and Eastern Pasco & Eastern Hernando Counties) as well as our Tampa Bay ICO, Inspiring Connections Outdoors via Youth Outings for Pinellas and Hillsborough. With several thousand members, our local groups organize and participates in outdoor adventures, environmental education and public awareness, youth outings, environmental activism and lobbying of our local and state government for pro-environmental legislation.
For more information, please visit:
Florida Chapter of the Sierra Club outings calendar
Suncoast Sierra Club Facebook Page
Tampa Bay Sierra Club Facebook Page
Tampa Bay ICO (Inspiring Connections Outdoors via Youth Outings)
For the Sierra Club of Manatee/Sarasota Meet Up: http://www.meetup.com/Manatee-Sarasota-Sier...
To stay up to date on the Sierra Club Florida Healthy Air Campaign including our work on improving local public transportation please like: Florida Healthy Air Campaign
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Suncoast Sierra Clean Energy Committee MeetingLink visible for attendees
Join our Clean Energy Committee to discuss clean energy topics in the news, how our municipalities are tracking towards their 100% clean energy goals, and how we can prioritize clean energy in Pinellas County!
Meetings are held online via Google Meet each month. Please email [cleanenergy@suncoastsierra.org](mailto: cleanenergy@suncoastsierra.org) for the meeting link!
- Pasco Conservation Committee MeetingLink visible for attendees
Sierra Club Pasco Conservation Committee is dedicated to preserving, exploring and enjoying nature in areas of Pasco County.
You're invited to join our Zoom meeting first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 pm at this link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7674695843 with the Zoom ID: 767 469 5843.Please like and follow our Sierra Club Pasco Conservation Committee Facebook Page.
- Tampa Bay Group - Superbowl PicnicNeeds location
Join Us for Pizza on Super Bowl Sunday at Lettuce Lake Park
This picnic is in conjunction with the paddle from Rotary Park to Lettuce Lake Park. You do not have to go on the paddle to attend the picnic.
Please consider coming early and taking a walk on the boardwalk. The picture here is taken from the boardwalk in mid-winter.
You are invited to bring a dessert. Pizza will be provided by the Tampa Bay Group.
Registration with the Sierra Club is required so that we can get a count of attendees (for knowing how much pizza is needed).
Cost: Picnic is free. There is a County entrance fee for Lettuce Lake Park ($2 for most).
Lettuce Lake Park, 6920 E Fletcher Ave, Tampa, FL 33637No pets. No alcohol.
Cancellation Policy: Heavy rain or thunderstorm, very high wind or very cold temperatures cancel.
You must register using the Sierra Club Event Registration system.
People under 18 years old are welcome, but must be be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. All participants under 18 must have Sierra Club Youth Waiver completed before outing.Rocky Milburn and Gary Gibbons
If you have any questions, you can call Rocky at 813-966-9785 or Gary at 813-785-2028Get Outdoors
Have Fun