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What we’re about

The Orange-Chatham Group of the Sierra Club focuses on exploring, enjoying, and protecting our part of North Carolina. We serve Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, and Orange counties, an area that includes Burlington, Yanceyville, Siler City, and Chapel Hill, among many other towns and cities. We invite you to join us to explore nature, hear from prominent speakers, and influence policymakers.

One of the Sierra Club's abiding missions is to engage the public. Sierra Club membership is not required or expected to join this Meetup group or to join our posted activities. If you are interested in becoming a Sierra Club member, you can join by clicking here.

If there is an activity you'd like to add, or if you have talents you'd be willing to share, please contact the leaders. We welcome new ideas!

More about us.

More information on outings

Our website.