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What we’re about

Greetings from Chennai Sufi School.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

The silent Sufi meditation practices of our group are based on the firm conviction that as atoms have unlimited potentialities and powers hidden within them, the most evolved form of matter – the human body – is bound to be a reservoir of greater powers and wonders. To search out this wonderful treasure is the aim of our practices. The existence of a human being’s inner powers is not a figment of the imagination.

Our practices and its benefits are real and hundreds of seekers worldwide from all races with and without religious background are benefiting from it every day.

We follow the Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi Sufi order under the guidance and wisdom of our beloved Shaykh Hazrat Hamid Hasan, who is the son and deputy (khalifa) of the late Grand Shaykh Hazrat Azad Rasool Saheb (ra).

Like our alma mater 'Sufischool', and in the words of its founding father - "our aim is to investigate those areas of human nature and the hidden sources of human knowledge that have not yet been explored by science and reason. This investigation follows a modern and refined scientific approach and experiential method. In this way, finding the solutions to various human problems and the remedy for different human ills is undertaken. We strive to understand the essential nature of humans, the universe, and humanity’s relation to it in a way relevant to the contemporary world.

This understanding will help us to find solutions to the problems of the individual and collective life of humanity. While material energy and discoveries can and should be utilised in the service of humanity, our main objective is to discover the capabilities and potentialities of the inner human being, and their utilisation for the benefit of humankind.

The hidden power of the human self, which we are seeking to tap and utilise, is the power of love. It is this power that frees human beings from the bonds of narrow materialism and selfishness, and persuades them to observe tolerance, sympathetic regard, benevolence, and self-sacrifice towards others. It motivates, inspires, challenges, and satisfies. The understanding of the nature of the self and its hidden powers will be conducive to adjusting our attitudes and behaviour to others and to the universe as a whole. It will reveal to us the powerful inter-relatedness of the human existence and the universe, and will bring forth a creed of universal brotherhood and unbounded love".

Come, be a part of your own awakening.

We welcome you, with love...

For more information, please Contact  Bro. Shahul +91 98 84 25 99 21 or Bro. Aslam +91 98 41 51 36 86 or write to

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